CargoBooking system is combination of a number of powerful modules like Schedule Management, Capacity Control, Booking Control, Waybill/Manifest Management, Agent and Ticket Management, Messages Management and Waybill Tracking, etc. The inclusion of multiple data interfaces, such as interfaces for GHAs, agents, messages, and beyond, significantly elevates the performance of the airline's cargo operations.
The antiquated mode of booking, conducted via telephone or mail. is frequentlvy cumbersome, inefficient, and susceptible to errors Moreover, for the absence of an eftective online ticket manaement method error and mistake ocaurrence is frequent leading to losses both for the carrier and the agent.
Digitalisation of booking through iTran's Cargobooking revolutionises the formerly energy demanding and error-prone process of cargo status inquiry and assessment of GHA/RFS operational compliance with SLA regulations, etc. The whole process is duly reformed through a digitalised solution.
CargoBooking system is combination of a number of powerful modules like Schedule Management, Capacity Control, Booking Control, Waybill/Manifest Management, Agent and Ticket Management, Messages Management and Waybill Tracking, etc. The inclusion of multiple data interfaces, such as interfaces for GHAs, agents, messages, and beyond, significantly elevates the performance of the airline's cargo operations. <><>The antiquated mode of booking, conducted via telephone or mail. is frequentlvy cumbersome, inefficient, and susceptible to errors Moreover, for the absence of an eftective online ticket manaement method error and mistake ocaurrence is frequent leading to losses both for the carrier and the agent. <><>Digitalisation of booking through iTran's Cargobooking revolutionises the formerly energy demanding and error-prone process of cargo status inquiry and assessment of GHA/RFS operational compliance with SLA regulations, etc. The whole process is duly reformed through a digitalised solution.
Schedule Query
Adhoc Apply
Cargo Booking
Bill Query
Tickets Query & Apply
AWB/HAWB input
FWB/FHL message
Connection flight Allotment
Create Booking
Booking Confirm
Message: FBL / FFR / FFA / FWB / FHL)
Create Manifest
Edit Manifest
Print Manifest
Sending FFM
Master/House AWB input
AWB Charging
Invoice Management
AWB Stock Management
AWB Tracking
Create CBA
Edit CBA
Send CBA by Email
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